WITH Waheguru's blessings & the Sangat's unflinching support in the past year, the Sabha has success- fully carried out its signature activities -- namely the Annual Gurmat Parchaar Samelan, fellowship camps and a series of mini samelans in various parts of the country (Penang, Batu Pahat, Kuantan, and Jelapang), education camps, the inaugural Dhol competition, the annual Panjabi Bhasha Mela, Environment Day activities, Mother’s Day & the Annual Vaisakhi Kirtan Darbaar in Cheras.
This year, we also hosted a grand function -- the Vaisakhi Open House at Dataran Merdeka. Some 20,000 people of diverse ethnic groups, faiths and walks of life attended the function, graced by our Honourable Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. It was indeed a memorable occasion.
Emphasis has also been given to other activities seen as important to the long term interests of the Sikh community. One such area is Naujawan Satsangs. In the past, it was the platform where many a youth had gained confidence through basic leadership skills, exposure to teamwork, organising events and public speaking. With Waheguru's grace, the efforts of Gursikhs and the support of the local Gurdwara authorities, a youth satsang is taking shape in Puchong, Selangor. Groundwork is currently being done in two other areas. We hope to see youth activities take shape in these areas as well. This is a long term project with exciting prospects, but it requires hard work and perseverance for actualization. May Waheguru give his sewa- dars the strength to see this project to fruition.
Another area being attended to is the reactivation of Global Sikhs. A new team has taken on the task. They have drawn up a list of plans and activities aimed at having trained volunteers ready to respond to situations at short notice (see their report inside). As things get organised, we hope to see more of this team's readiness in the coming months.
Next, we have the proposed International Sikh Centre (ISC) project in Kuala Kubu Bharu. Earthworks have commenced. The proposed temporary buildings are expected to be ready by year-end. Work on the building plans has commenced. Subject to the various approvals, building works could be undertaken next year. Progress is taking place slowly but surely, in accordance with the guidance from the Sangat.
As for the Sabha Branch networks, we will soon see a new Sabha branch for Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Other branches will be set up based on the needs of the Sangat from time to time.
Now onto the proposed ‘youth wing’ of the Sabha, the Malaysian Sikh Youth Association (MSYA). It has been successfully registered. As mandated by the AGM, the current Sabha Meet Jathedar Pavandeep Singh is the current Jathedar of MSYA. And the Sabha Exco members below 40 years-old have been co-opted into the MSYA committee.
Our signature event, the Annual Gurmat Parchaar Samelan, is scheduled to be held in Klang from 18-24 December, 2011. Planning of programs is now in full swing although we're still awaiting confirmation of the venue and the date from the school authorities.
The Sangat's unflinching support and the sewadars' firm commitment have always been crucial to the Sabha's success. May Waheguru continue to shower his blessings on HIS Sangat & HIS sewadars so that these efforts continue to bear fruit and the Panth continues to march forward in Chardi Kala.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Jathedar, SNSM
[This message appeared in the OCt 2011 issue of THE SIKH, a publication of the Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia]
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