1. With Waheguru's grace, the 2011 Annual Gurmat Parchar Samelan was held at Sekolah Menengah Teknik Klang from Dec 18-24, 2011.
2. Some 900 participants and 400 sewadars participated in this Samelan. A group of 20 Naujawans, mostly Samelan veterans, were entrusted to review the earlier Samelan programmes. They were asked to make changes where deemed necessary to make the camp more enjoyable and enhance the effectiveness of the learning process.
3. Some seemingly bold new ideas were tried out. Based on written feedback received and the Samelan team's own review, on the whole, the feedback was positive. However, some new programs were not well received or did not meet the objectives expected. These will be discontinued. For some other new programs, the execution fell short and need to be improved. [To view some feedback, check out Samelan 2011 Facebook].
4. While the Samelan participants feedback was mostly positive, some parents have voiced their discomfort at certain changes. They have urged that these be discontinued. They also wanted more emphasis on Inspiration Session (IPS) sessions which have become a regular feature of Samelans and which are enjoyed by most who attend. These are kirtan and talk sessions.
5. All the feedback received, positive as well as negative, will be tabled at a Samelan Review session to be held at Sabha House this Saturday, Jan 28, 2012 at 2.30 pm. Efforts have been made to inform all of this impending review. We have made announcement via our popular Facebook page and also through emails. Do come and participate in this review. Feel free to express your views honestly. As usual, we must ensure we do it politely and respectfully, maintaining decorum at all times.
6. The Sabha Jathedar or the Samelan committee heads used to chair past reviews. This time, to enhance the process and further ensure the review is handled professionally, our former Jathedar Harwindar Singh has kindly consented to moderate the session.
Come one, come all. Let’s make this review a successful one. I am confident the outcome can form the base to draw up future Samelan programs so that the learning process can be further enhanced.